Student Enrollment Form

  • Student
  • Education
  • Parents
  • Files
  • Review
  • T&C


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                1. The Program fee covers services only until the 12th month from the date of Payment. An extension fee of one (1) months’ worth of Program Fee will be charged for every month, or fraction of a month, of extended stay in the program (only up to 3 months allowable extension). Beyond the 3- month period, the student/s will be automatically dropped from the program.

                2. A student who transfers or otherwise withdraws, in writing, the following refund policy will be applicable:

                  However, if the transfer or withdrawal is due to a justifiable reason, the student shall be charged the pertinent fees only up to and including the month of attendance (DepEd policy on refund as stipulated in the 1992 Manual of Regulations for private schools, 8th Edition). This request should be done in writing.

                  No Refund will be given if dropping/withdrawal is processed after the third week of initial payment.

                3. Curriculum materials are non-refundable.

                4. Due to the nature of online accounts, refunds for the BJU DLO, Ignitia and Mobymax can no longer be made after credentials have been released and the accounts accessed.

                6. You can avail of the installment Payment scheme using credit card or via check. However, in order to avail of the Installment Payment Schemes via check, postdated checks must be issued upon enrollment as payment for succeeding payment balance/s (dates and amounts to be determined by the billing officer). At the back of each check, the following information must be indicated: NAME OF STUDENT/S AND PARENT'S CONTACT NUMBER.
                  1. Cheques are made out to: LUOVA EDUCATION GROUP FZ LLC
                  2. Kindly note all fees are non-refundable.
                  3. All cheques will be deposited on the day (or at most, 2-3 days after the date depending on weekends and public holidays) dated on the cheque.
                  4. Request to hold the cheque is not permissible unless otherwise informed in advance and approved by the Billing Department. This shall be requested only by sending an email request ( 2-3 days prior to the cheque date confirming the reason for the request. Management reserves the right to refuse requests at their discretion. A cheque holding fee of AED50 per week will be imposed. A cheque can only be put on hold for a Maximum of 60 days.
                  5. A cheque may not be deposited on the scheduled date provided a proof of payment 2-3 days before the scheduled date has been submitted and acknowledged to and by our Accounts & Admin Team. Failure to provide proof of payment will automatically mean that the cheque shall be deposited on the scheduled date.
                  6. A Bounced Cheque (due to insufficient funds / closed account) will automatically incur AED250 penalty fee. (Note: It is illegal to bounce a cheque in the UAE)
                  7. The returned or bounced cheque amount shall also be replaced with Card / Bank Transfer Payment immediately. For every week of non-payment, a AED50 penalty will be added to the amount indicated to the returned or bounced cheque.
                  8. For those without cheques to submit, we may provide online payment links (via Card) upon confirmation of enrollment. It is the duty of the client to pay for the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th corresponding fees (via online payment link) and the Billing Team is not required to send any reminders on or before the scheduled due date. A late payment fee of AED50 per week of non-payment will be imposed for delays.

                1. I commit to read and understand the HG Parent Handbook.
                2. I will be actively involved in educating my child/children.
                3. I will commit to teach the required subjects and allot 2 hours a day for Preschool, 2-4 hours for Primary Grade, and 4-6 hours a day for Intermediate & High School students.
                4. I will teach the standard number of subjects diligently covering the learning competencies required by my child/children's school of accreditation.
                5. I will do an accurate and honest recording of grades.
                6. I will cover the prescribed Bible Curriculum of Homeschool Global.

                  HG welcomes and serves homeschooling families regardless of faith or religious background.

                  Seeing through the years the genuine transformation in the lives of many families and students who apply biblical principles in everyday living, HG promotes Bible-based values education (EPP/GMRC/CLE) for homeschoolers as a curricular requirement by its accrediting schools. We have recommended Bible-based values education textbooks required of every student in all grade levels.

                  The Bible is an integral textbook in history and values subjects across all grade levels and is central in all the curricular offerings of HG and all its accrediting schools (VCIS, TMA, and WCFS).

                  Other values education materials specific to the religion or belief of a homeschooling family may be included as a supplement as deemed necessary by the parent and is optional.

                1. I will be in-charge of teaching my children with the help of online resources.
                2. I will make sure that my child will take regular Quarter Moodle/Online Exams in a quarterly fashion. (Except for Preschool)

                1. I will submit all grades via the Online Grading System on or before the deadline. In the event that I am unable to submit on time, I should update HG of our quarterly status. (Not applicable for Preschool and TECH AOP track).
                2. I will ensure that my child takes the required Pre and Post Adaptive Diagnostic Tests 2 weeks after the receipt of notification. (Not Applicable for Preschool)
                3. I understand that the Report Card (Form 138) may be requested only upon the completion of all the requirements and at the official end of the school year. Furthermore, an official Report Card will be released 10-15 working days upon request, assuming all requirements were submitted.

                I am aware that a major part of our learning resources is accessed through an online system portal. Therefore, I will ensure that our internet browser has the latest updates before logging into the portal. The systems requirements are any one the following:

                1. Google Chrome version 64 or higher (recommended for DLO)
                2. Firefox version 57 or higher
                3. Microsoft Internet Explorer version 11 (For users of Internet Explorer on Windows 8, DLO must be operated in the Desktop version of Internet Explorer.)
                4. Safari version 9 or higher (recommended for Ignitia)

                I understand that Homeschool Global offers a 3 month extension for those who haven't met the target year-end date with corresponding fee for each month of extension. Beyond this 3 months period, I understand that my child/children will be automatically dropped from the program.

                FOR TOUCH FAMILIES:
                1. I understand that failure to communicate with my Advisor for 3 consecutive months means that my child can be dropped from the program.
                2. I understand that I should proactively inform my Advisor of our homeschooling status, and of any changes such as contact numbers, address, marital status, etc.
                FOR TECH FAMILIES:
                1. I understand that failure to update the HG Tech Track Officer for 3 consecutive months means that my child can be dropped from the program.
                2. I understand that I should proactively inform my HG Tech Track Officer of our homeschooling status, and of any changes such as contact numbers, address, marital status, etc.

                I understand that my child's homeschool target months for Portfolio & Grade submissions are as follows: (Not Applicable for Preschool)

                Start month will be based on the date of enrollment and the end month is the 10th month*

                The above target months are just sample guides if the chosen Start Month is the same as the Enrollment Cycle.

                *For US Accreditation only.

                IMPORTANT NOTE: One Grade Level Per School Year: Each student can only cover one grade level per school year.
                Follow the 10 weeks per quarter or 40 weeks per school year cycle.
                For TOUCH families, conveniently schedule your child's PORTFOLIO REVIEW with your Advisor on the last month of each quarter.
                For TECH BJU and ONLINE ACADEMY families, conveniently schedule your child's QUARTERLY EXAM on the last month of each quarter.
                For TLC, coordinate with your Advisor on the schedule of your child's assessment.
                Quarterly GRADES are due on the last month of the quarter.

                1. I have given HG full disclosure of each child's former and current school liabilities, as well as each child's learning and developmental needs, physical and learning disability/ies (if any) which HG may use as a basis for recommending The Learning Curve (TLC) services as needed.
                2. I understand that non-compliance may result in delays, dropping of the student, additional requirements and settlement of The Learning Curve fee when applicable. Should the need arise or become apparent for my child to transfer to The Learning Curve services, I understand that this may entail additional requirements and fees. No reimbursements will apply if I will decide to pull out my child.

                HG may use my child/ren's photo/s captured in its various events, for marketing purposes upon my approval. Beginning School Year 2024 - 2025, the HG Team will formally request this via email. I recognize that the pictures or images may be used beyond the time that our child is part of the student body, when needed.

                The protection of your personal and sensitive information is essential to us Homeschool Global as a homeschool service provider, we comply with all applicable data protection, DATA PRIVACY ACT OF 2012. As part of being with HG Family, who provide personal and sensitive information to Homeschool Global, you authorize and consent to the use and transfer of said information to valid and legit purposes.

                Homeschool Global also commits to maintaining the integrity and confidentiality of personal data against any incidents or breaches while ensuring the protection of the fundamental rights of privacy. Homeschool Global employees are obliged to treat all information confidentially.

                Clubs and Competitions My Child/Children may participate in student-led clubs, subject to parental permission. In the event that my child/children join school-based competitions, the application forms shall bear the name and address of the school of accreditation - not Homeschool Global.

                In agreement that HG is our partner in nurturing and protecting our children, I hereby recognize the possibility of accidents that could happen inside and outside the Homeschool Global (HG) and Hubs' vicinity and areas of control, such as outside the office, on the street, event venues, and the like.

                I understand that in the event of such accidents, HG will not be held liable, but is allowed to take necessary measures for our child's treatment and medication, in case the venue of the accident is within the premises of HG. In circumstances when I may not be reached or may not respond immediately upon notification about the incident, I allow the staff to transport our child to a medical facility for immediate treatment and prevention of grave outcomes.

                Parental presence is always required for field trips and major events. (Not Applicable for Preschool)

                All access is given by virtue of utmost trust.
                I understand that all HG shared passwords and access to resources, links, files and other resources, both paid and unpaid, will be for my child/children only and will not be shared with others.

                We learn better in HG.